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標題: Longer what we tell consumers about it [打印本頁]

作者: jahidur777    時間: 2024-2-27 14:13
標題: Longer what we tell consumers about it
It is what consumers say about it to each other," said American billionaire Scott Cook. And consumers speak a specific language. They have long become immune to impersonal, aggressive advertising, now they need someone who speaks to them and for them. Simple and hearty. Therefore, influencers become a kind of bridge between the brand and the customer browsing the Internet. They are natural, close to the recipients, they help companies build relationships, gain loyalty and trust. This is a potential that it would be a pity not to use. F is for finance However, before we start looking, we should find out what epenses we need to prepare for. And

here there is a problem, because influencers rarely talk openly about money. The LTTM group shed some light . The largest influencer marketing group in Poland paid a total of approimately PLN  million to its influential Internet users Singapore Mobile Number List last year . This means that on average one "benefits package" of one influencer in one campaign cost PLN , last year . The problem with the word "average" is that it doesn't say much. On average, my dog ​​and I have three legs each. It's the same with influencers. The involvement of some people may cost us several hundred zlotys, others several million zlotys. Much depends on the popularity of the Internet celebrity. G is for

gigantic ranges Measuring the effectiveness of influencer marketing is primarily based on reach, i.e. the number of people reached by the influencer with his message. However, the basics of influencer marketing say that it is not only reach that counts. When choosing an influencer, it is also worth taking into account engagement the number of comments, subscriptions, shares generated by entries and values. To effectively choose an influencer to cooperate with, read our article:  questions you need to ask yourself before starting .

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