sharminakter274 發表於 2024-3-16 16:08:30

The objective of this step mainly

But let's go into detail. The steps we mentioned in the previous paragraphs can be defined as "TOFU" (Top of the Funnel), "MOFU" (Middle of the Funnel) and "BOFU" (Bottom of the Funnel). inbound-marketing-funnel2 What is the conversion funnel and what are the main steps? Top of the Funnel: the user tries to identify their need We are in the highest step of the conversion funnel, the widest one. The user who is in the TOFU phase feels the need for something, but is not yet clear about his need or how to satisfy it. Basically, he still has a very uncertain idea about everything. The consumer who finds himself in this phase relies on the world of the Web to find answers to his questions. In these circumstances, almost all requests made to Google begin with "what to do if..." or "how do I...". What to do to attract TOFU users? The user who finds himself in this first step decides to rely on search engines.

This is precisely where it is necessary to intervene: through specific strategies to gain visibility on search engines (SEO and SEM), we can be found exactly at the moment in which he will try to respond to a need related to our core business.  concerns the acquisition of new user traffic to the site. This is why it is also important to be actively present on social networks: social platforms, nowadays, are used by consumers Agent Email List not only in moments of leisure, but also to research products and companies. Do you want to know in depth the strategies for attracting TOFU users to the site? Rely on the following readings: ; ; Top of the Funnel: the user tries to identify their need Middle of the Funnel: the user is faced with different solutions After having overcome the initial phase of the conversion funnel, we are faced with a user who has theand slightly clearer ideas, even if he is not yet ready for the final decision, the one that will lead him to contact our company or to make the purchase.

At this moment, in fact, the consumer finds himself in the middle of the funnel, in the Middle of the Funnel, that "limbo" between those who are very far from the purchase and those who, instead, already have their wallet in hand. After finding information both on the Web and in the physical store, the consumer evaluates the characteristics and advantages of more specific solutions. What can we do to get closer to the user without being invasive or annoying? It is above all in this phase that it becomes a strategic action of undoubted value. The company blog, in fact, allows you to position the site for a high number of keywords on search engines and, at the same time, to propose useful articles to the consumer. These will showcase our professionalism and experience and lead us to gain your trust. Not just blog articles, however: the creation of "premium content" (e-books, infographics and guides) to download will entice him to leave us his data.

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