aysha276 發表於 2024-3-12 13:19:53

Difference between depression anxiety

Depression and anxiety tend to be together and present in several psychiatric disorders, however, each has its own clinical manifestations and classifications. What is depression contrary to what many people tend to think, depression is not just sadness presented as recurring crying and sudden isolation, even though these situations may be associated with the disease. And that is exactly what we must make clear here: depression is an illness. In fact, it is a set of behaviors and clinical manifestations that reflect depressive syndromes that are generally named simply as 'depression'. It's not about freshness, lack of faith or a way to get attention. It is a pathology and, like any other, it needs to be treated in the best way possible. There are drug treatments, psychotherapeutics, treatments related to changing lifestyle habits and many other methods.

How to recognize the signs of depression as much as knowing the difference between anxiety and depression, it's important to recognize signs. Depression manifests itself in different degrees, and can vary from a milder to a more severe form, which ends up reflecting the intensity with which the signs and symptoms are manifested. These include apathy, lack of Country Email List motivation, constant fatigue, marked weight gain or loss, insomnia, pessimistic thoughts and hopelessness. Generally, depressed people do not feel pleasure or energy in carrying out their daily activities and even basic activities such as taking a shower, becoming careless about personal hygiene when in more serious states. However, many people manage to disguise visual aspects of their condition, and behavior and speech end up being key elements in identifying the disease.


Insecurity and negativity a person with depression is often negative and insecure, feels worthless and thinks their life has no meaning. He also tends to make constant allusions to death. Depression can often manifest itself in self-mutilation and impulsive and anxious behaviors, and can even lead a person to commit suicide in an act of impulsivity. No apparent cause and long-lasting unlike normal sadness – which has a defined cause, such as the loss of a loved one, and is usually short-lived – depression causes the person to find themselves in a recurrent state of negative mood, with no apparent cause, and for a long term. Placing a 'depressed' label on a person who is going through a difficult time only ends up trivializing the term and making it difficult to identify people who are really sick and need help.

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